Rpanion-Server 0.10

Yes, you can use it either way. You can do this by connecting to the RPI hotspot or plugging your RPI directly into the modem with the ethernet cable.
I would recommend you use a wired connection as once you switch your RPI to a wireless connection hotspot will be turned off.

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Great, I will give it a try. When attempting internet through USB tethering, the Raspberry Pi fails to connect to the internet. Could you kindly elaborate on your method for connecting to the local Wi-Fi network?

Here is a tutorial that will help you.

Also, you can directly go to raspi-config and then to Wireless LAN to set-up the wireless connection with your wifi.

Don’t forget to set up a static IP address for your RPI.

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Thank you for your time. I will look into that.

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I have tried the steps mentioned in the blog, but it’s not connecting to the local Wi-Fi. I am using a Pi 4.

Finally, I have managed to work with the Rpanion OS; it’s really awesome. Thank you very much, @stephendade. You have created a wonderful tool. It’s working perfectly; now I can transmit both video and telemetry.

I able to connect to the internet using this command . nmcli dev wifi con "wifi name" password "wifi password"

Thank you for your time @Ashesh223 .

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