Rover-4.5.5-rc1 has been released for beta testing

Rover-4.5.5-rc1 has been released for beta testing and can be installed using MP or QGC’s beta firmwares link. Alternatively it can be directly downloaded from

The changes vs 4.5.4 are in the ReleaseNotes and also copied below

  1. Board specific enhancements and bug fixes
  • fixed IOMCU transmission errors when using bdshot
  • update relay parameter names on various boards
  • add ASP5033 airspeed in minimal builds
  • added RadiolinkPIX6
  • fix Aocoda-RC H743Dual motor issue
  • use ICM45686 as an ICM20649 alternative in CubeRedPrimary
  1. System level minor enhancements and bug fixes
  • correct use-after-free in script statistics
  • added arming check for eeprom full
  • fixed a block logging issue which caused log messages to be dropped
  • enable Socket SO_REUSEADDR on LwIP
  • removed IST8310 overrun message
  • added Siyi ZT6 support
  • added BTFL sidebar symbols to the OSD
  • added CRSF extended link stats to the OSD
  • use the ESC with the highest RPM in the OSD when only one can be displayed
  • support all Tramp power levels on high power VTXs
  • emit jump count in missions even if no limit
  • improve the bitmask indicating persistent parameters on bootloader flash
  • fix duplicate error condition in the MicroStrain7
  1. Other minor enhancements and bug fixes
  • specify pymonocypher version in more places
  • added DroneCAN dependencies to custom builds

BTW, there will be another beta release (e.g. -rc2) shortly to fixup some issues with the CubeRed so CubeRed users may want to wait for -rc2 before beginning testing.

Beta testing is a really important stage that greatly improves AP’s stability so thanks very much for your help!