Rover-4.4.0-beta9 released

Rover-4.4.0-beta9 has been released for beta testing and can be downloaded and installed using QGC or MP’s beta firmwares links.

The changes vs 4.4.0-beta8 are in the release-notes and copied below.

  1. Autopilot related enhancements and fixes
    • BETAFTP-F405 board configuration fixes
    • CubeOrangePlus-BG edition ICM45486 IMU setup fixed
    • YJUAV_A6SE_H743 support
  2. Minor enhancements
    • GPS_DRV_OPTION allows using ellipsoid height in more GPS drivers
    • Lua script support for fully populating ESC telemetry data
  3. Bug fixes
    • AK09916 compass being non-responsive fixed
    • IxM42xxx IMUs “stuck” gyros fixed
    • Notch filtering protection when using uninitialised RPM source in ESC telemetry
    • SIYI gimbal driver parsing bug fixed (was causing lost packets)

These fixes are all shared with Copter and Plane so hopefully those users will find any issues but in any case, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!