Rover 4.0 with Dual GPS

Hello everyone,
I am trying to use 2 external here3 gps for my rover. But when i plug them to can1 and can2 ports only one of them has seen by cube orange. I’ve tried in Hold and Manuel modes. Can you help me with my problem ? Here is my parameters:

rover1.param (15.3 KB)

I am not using safety switch so brd_safety_enable is 0

And i checked theese 2 websites:

Can the data coming from two GPS be displayed separately or is it shown as a single data recorded in EKF?

I hope this can help you. could be due to CAN_D2_PROTOCOL2 does not support DroneCAN. Serialx can support multiple GPS.

The parameters generally look OK. The only thing I question is these two params.


This means that both CAN ports are essentially connected. You could try changing CAN_P2_DRIVER=2 but it shouldn’t matter.

The next thing I’d do is see if both GPSs appear to MP’s DroneCAN page. So below is what I see for my CubeRed that has a single GPS cojnnected to CAN1.

I changed the parameter can_p2_driver=2 and now i can see 3 gps on mandatory hardware>compass page but i can’t see any gps on optional hardware>DroneCan/UAVCAN

What if i want 2 GPS’s with the uart communication protocol ? Is it possible with the right parameters, through gps1 and gps2 ports for rover? Or can i use can communication with 2 GPS’s for rover and drone ? And when i use dual gps, can the data from two gps can appear seperately ?


If you have resolved the issue, ignore this comment.
else, maybe this example can help you (Using two Here 3 / Here 3+).