Rover 2.5.1 on bait boat save way points problem

Hello,I am using ardurover v2.5.1 on bait boat. I can not save waypoint with the Ch7 switch,on the mission planner everything looks ok,chl 7 is there and 1 is marked to do saving,but chl 7 doenst save anything,I would appreciate any help

Hi @fishermaniac,

I guess you’re using one of the really old APM autopilots. In general we don’t support these old autopilots any more because they simply don’t have the CPU and memory required to support all the features we’ve added in recent years.

If possible it is best to replace the APM with a more modern autopilot. There are dozens to choose from some at very reasonable prices.

Hello,and thank you for your answer,I am stucked with this controller,because it is easy to set it up and it is afordable.I have feeling that I am very close to make it save way point,.I found information that for some users the function save points is working ,for others not,may be it is metter of settings,i dont know,But Why would be there chl 7 and that function,may be I have to upload to the board old firmware,but wich one ,this is the problem

There are many boards available that have both a modern CPU and are cheaper than old APM2.x sold by scammers.

Can you please tell me one or two ,I need it for bait boat,but would be great if it is capable to perform all functions like save point or any other like RTL with comand from transmitter,I dont want to bring tablet or laptop on fishing

Matek H743-Wlite

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Thank you ,all of you …can someone tell me how to check what kind of chipset or eeprom is inside my apm 2.5,via mission planner I guess