Routing SBUS output of R9DS receiver from microcontroller

For some reason I need to connect the receiver signal through the microcontroller to the RC port of the autopilot. (Processing should be done on it). I have connected the receiver to the serial port of the microcontroller and also applied the SBUS protocol serial settings. And I connected another serial port to the autopilot, but the received signal that can be seen in the radio calibration section is completely unstable and fluctuating. Currently, I do not interfere with the received data and I do not know what is the cause of this disturbance? My receiver model is R9DS I have heard that the SBUS protocol reverses the signal. Does this receiver do the same? Is this the reason for this disturbance? No matter what I searched for this receiver, I could not find anything, please help me. Has anyone written a code in this regard? Because the problem may be from the written code algorithm.