Hello. I am using Rover 4.2.2 and got the basic AUTO navigation working. Using RTK with dual receivers so HDT, RMC into pixhawk has GPS yaw data. GPS_YAW works fine and no compass is used. Getting some GPS unhealthy messages but will see what that is about. Great stuff !
BUT now I want to add a Maxbotix analog sensor and for some reason there are no parameters in the full list except for RNGFNDx_TYPE. No RNGFNDx_PIN or _SCALING. What am I doing wrong ? I swear I saw these parameters before.
Like many Parameter groups you have you enable the base Parameter before the related parameters show up. So if you set RNGFNDx_TYPE to a value and Refresh…
Thanks for reply. This was my understanding. For example if I change PRX_TYPE to say 5 then if I reboot/repower and reconnect I see a number of options such as PRX_ORIENT that were not there before I selected PRX_TYPE and refresh or power on/off. BUT the RNGFNG options do not show up when I perform this procedure. Something odd… ??
Yay. Magically working now ! While I have you on the phone - I once click on FAV for a parameter. Now it ALWAYS show up on top. Is there a way to clear it ? Thanks.
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Yes, just uncheck the Fav option at the right of each parameter entry in the parameter list.