RFD 868X Telemetry constant red light problem?

Hello everyone, I have a problem. I use RFC 868X for telemetry on my aircraft, but one of my modems has a solid red light and the other has a solid green light. According to my research, the red light means that the software needs to be updated, but when I connect my telemetry with the RFD900 Tools interface, the application does not read my telemetry. I do not know how to do it. Do I need your information about this telemetry?

how do you have it hooked up could you possibly have it grounded to boot to have it power on into programming mode? Can you share a picture of your connection? you are sure you have tx-rx and rx-tx as well as cts to cts and rts to rts?

I connected the cables as they should be according to the document, but the COM port is not showing up in RFD900 Tools, so telemetry is not appearing in the application either. I don’t know how to get rid of this red light.

I directly connected it to the PC, what else should I do? I need your help.

and device manager shows nothing? the gray cable is just a jumper for power right? I cannot see if it loops but assume you are using it as jumper. You are 100% sure you have all connections from ftdi correct.

All cables are correct. Gray cable is for grounding. Today, RFD sent an e-mail and sent me a document, but it confused me a little. If I send it here, could you comment on this document for me? I want to learn what I should do step by step because I am worried about damaging the device.
bootloaderMode.pdf (291.8 KB)