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I’m having a weird issue with reverse on my 6 wheel skid steer rover running Ardurover 4.0. Everything is setup and configured. Motors spinning in right direction, radio working as expected, etc. except…when I intend to go to reverse from forward, I have to wiggle the stick around the neutral zone for a while before reverse engages. When going from reverse to forward, there is an instant change, and it works as expected. Figuring it might be a trim issue but not sure. Any ideas would be welcomed before this Pixhawk gets smashed into a million pieces
I guess the ESCs are set to Forward/Brake/Reverse. This is default for most RC cars. For a rover
you will have to change this to Forward/Reverse. The ESCs manual should tell you how to do it.
Thanks, That makes sense. I’m new to the RC rover world (usually Quadcopters), so trying to get my head around things. I did some reading on ESCs last night and it seems: 1. that my ESCs cant be changed to Forward/Reverse so I have ordered some new ones (Hobbywing 1060 60a). 2. the idea of Forward/Brake/Reverse is implemented to stop crawlers rolling backwards when they are climbing! Everyday is a school day