"Reverse engineering" of a flight with MP logs?


I’m trying to find a way to have logs after a real flight or after a SITL simulation (Arduplane). These logs will give me a sort of “retro engineering” view of what happened in term of commands.

Let me explain:

  • I’m doing my flight with MP
  • After the flight, I’ve got logs that will give me the details of what the plane have done at each second about the pitch, the throttle , the roll and the yaw in degrees : “At 30 seconds, the pitch was at x°, the roll at x° and the yaw at x° and the throttle at x%”

=> The goal is to help me building a python script based on a “perfect” flight, because it’s really difficult to write an efficient and realistic script before the flight if this flight is very complex and with a high duration. And it’ll help me understand clearly the flight mecanisms of my plane !

I don’t know if it’s possible, your help and any tips are welcome !


Of course it is possible. Just load a dataflash log after the flight, using the mavexplorer code as inspiration on how to read and decide the .bin files.

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Thanks Amilcarlucas for your answer, I’ll try this

Hi Amilcarlucas, coming back to you with this old post.My goal is to make some reverse engineering based on a virtual flight with MP + logs or a real flight + logs. I want to go from any logs => Python or LUA code. I tried with analysis on a .csv file from MP logs, but the amount of attitude data is really huge and I didn’t find the way to go from these attitude data to Python/LUA script. Working on this for months now and didn’t find the right solution, the goal is to “mimic” an acrobatic flight made manually with a RC pilot or with MP+SITL+joystick and reproduce this flight in a “UAV - automatic” flight in Arduplane.
Manual/Virtual flight => Arduplane automatic flight
I hope it’s clear, if you have any idea you’re really welcome !

This project may interest you. Matlab is extremely powerful, though it isn’t exactly Python or Lua.

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Hi Yuri

Thanks for your answer, I’ve reached Matlab people for a trial test, seems really hard to work with their internal code . But this project for logs looks really cool, I’ll check it deeply.