As I read more of the topics on this forum, I learn more about how to properly tune my rover and at the same time how I goofed with previous attempts. So if I want to start a retuning from the beginning as in Rover Throttle and Speed, must I first reset all the parameters to default values?
It’s not necessary to wipe all parameters but it might be helpful to return the throttle/speed tuning parameters back to their defaults. the defaults can be seen here.
For throttle/speed tuning, the most important thing to get right is the CRUISE_SPEED and CRUISE_THROTTLE. This is the equivalent of the feed-forward in the steering controller. It sets the baseline throttle output (using the desired speed) and then all the other gains work on top of this.
That info is WONDERFUL. Now I can make a default parameter file that is specific to my rover including physical parameters including GPS system (MM in my case), COG distances etc. Then I can play around with tuning parameters and if I get all screwed up, I can simply start over again