Retrieve date from log file

I want to retrieve the flight date/time from the log file. Is this possible ?

With the GPS message we have TimeMS (ie. 476809400) and Week (ie. 1839). Can we deduct date/time ? How ?

Thanks in advance,

Formula is :

(Sunday, 6th january 1980 UTC) + Week*7 days + ((TimeMS/1000)-16) seconds

Example :

(6 january 1980) + 1839*7 days + (476809 -16) seconds = April 10, 2015, 9:26:33 UTC

Perfect! Thank you very much !!!

I implemented this in Python as follows:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def parseGPSdate(GPSweek, GPSms):
	return datetime(1980, 1, 6) + timedelta(weeks=GPSweek, seconds=(GPSms/1000)-16)