Restore settings from 4.4.3 seems not sucessfully

Does anyone experiencing this. I have just upgraded from 4.4.3, but failed to reload all parameters, apparently. Step as follows:

a. use MP to save settings on copter 4.4.3 (self build) to a backup file
b. use stm32cubeprogrammer download copter 4.4.4 firmware (self build)
c. restore settings from back file
d. MP will pop up some warnings about readonly paramters, then silently, no kind of sucess popup message (I though it’s OK)
e. checking settings such as serial port protocol, not correctly restored.

c. That step is not needed

The code preserves and automatically updates parameters during firmware updates.

Only on firmware downgrades you need to reload a backup.

OK. So I messed up settings?
What should I do, as it’s apparently not the settings when in 4.4.3. Should I use stm32cubeprogrammer erase the entire flash and flash 4.4.4 firmware and reload the settings?

Generally you should use either mission planner or uploader to do upgrades. If you overwrite the bootloader as well then you will likely overwrite the parameter storage. So use an apj rather than a bin file. If you did overwrite the storage then the best approach is to reinstall the old firmware, apply your parameters and then do the upgrade again.

If it does not work, the positive side is that it gives you the opportunity to start from scratch and methodically tune your vehicle :wink:

Yes, The question is that MP can’t find the device which is in DFU mode (PC manager shows the device is in STM32 bootloader).

So I tried STM32cube programmer.

OK, It’s a good idea to get my data back. Well, sitll have to try how to let PC recognize the device (STM32 bootloader). Maybe I have to re-install the PC driver.

Did you try applying the settings (param file) twice?
Obviously the read-only settings arent going to be changed, but any of the “enable” parameters expose all the next layer of parameters after the first write, then need a second write to fill all those parameters with your old values.

Yes, I tried. And I don’t think serial protocol for GPS/telemetry need any “enable” action ahead.