Resolved the SITL problem I'd been having

I finally resolved the problem I’d been having with running SITL.

My mistake was that after creating a mission, or reading a mission from a file, I had failed to click the “Write” button to store the mission in the simulated vehicle.

Occam’s Razor predicted I was failing some simple step.

I’ve started going though the complete Mission Planner docs. There’s a link to submit suggestions and corrections via the wiki. Is this the sort of thing that might be worth submitting as an addition to the docs?

There’s other bits that might be worth updating - such as the link to DIYDRONES that’s now a dead link.

If I’m going to invest the time read through the entire Mission Planner docs in detail, I’d like that effort to benefit as many others as possible. But I also don’t want to clog up the list of open issues. Perhaps someone can suggest a good option.

Thank you!

Glad you solved it. It is clearly stated in the docs; I guess that is why nobody thought about it as a possible error.
Instead of opening bug reports, why not do the corrections yourself in the docs?

I’ll have to go back and find it in the docs - to reinforce your point.

Regarding making corrections myself - I’ve been thinking of reaching out to you for collaboration on documenting the presently undocumented Mission Planner startup parameters that you recently mentioned.

If you could send me the syntax of the parameters, I’ll test them out and submit documentation about using them.