Requesting data streams from APM

I am working on trying to read GPS/speed/attitude/battery voltage and more via a serial link from the APM.
I got so far to get Heartbeat packet, some messages and weird attitude data.

My problem is, that the attitude data is garbage and I am not receiving any SYS STATUS or GPS msgs.
This is my code to send the heartbeat and requests for the data streams:

I am using APM 2.6 with Copter 3.2.

I have tried to request the data streams this way now, but it still won’t give me any useful data.


I’d really like to get a tip on what I am doing wrong.

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I figured it out myself. I was sending the request msgs before the APM board was out of the states MAV_STATE_UNINIT/MAV_STATE_BOOT/MAV_STATE_CALIBRATING :slight_smile:

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