Request for Analysis of VTOL Flight Test Log Data: Heading Stability Issue in Final Stage of Flight


We conducted a flight test for VTOL.

Flight 1: Waypoints Flight (via Mission Planner Auto mode).

  • The drone followed the waypoints successfully (altitude 60 m and distance from home around 100 m).

Flight 2: Loiter flight (200 m radius, 80 m altitude, and 300 s time)(via Mission Planner Auto mode).

  • After takeoff, we realized that the 80 m altitude was too high. Therefore, we initiated RTL/QRTL, and the drone successfully landed.

Flight 3: Loiter flight (200 m radius, 60 m altitude, and 300 s time) (via Mission Planner Auto mode).

  • The drone successfully initiated the loiter flight, but it went out of our vision. As a precaution, we activated RTL, and the drone returned to its home position (with 60 m altitude). However, upon reaching its home position, the drone began rotating and subsequently crashed to the ground. Note that after reaching the home position (with 60 m altitude), the heading was not stable.

Here I am attaching the log file of the flight. Could someone help me to find out the issue? I request an analysis of the log data to determine the actual problem that occurred with the VTOL.

Thank you in advance.