I notice that the FlySky FS-TH9X transmitter come with IRIS+ uses Frsky TX module, and I already have Taranis X9D. I plan to replace the FS-TH9X with Taranis X9D so that I can have voice hint while switching mode, flying time, etc. I am using this Taranis X9D with my other multirotors. Besides repairing with RX and making sure the stick range is the same as the original configuration, what else should I pay attention to? How does the telemetry part work with Taranis X9D?
Ok, eventually I made it to work.
First, reference to
copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common … r-taranis/
Data transmitted to FrSky Taranis:
Cell ( not used )
Cells ( not used] )
A2 ( not used )
Alt ( Altitude from baro. [m] )
GAlt ( Altitude from GPS [m])
HDG ( Compass heading [deg])
Rpm ( Throttle when ARMED [%] )
AccX ( not used )
AccY ( not used )
AccZ ( not used )
VSpd ( Vertical speed [m/s] )
Speed ( Ground speed from GPS, [km/h] )
T1 ( modes, explain below )
T2 ( GPS status = ap_sat_visible*10) + ap_fixtype)
Vfas (Voltage from LiPo [V] )
Dist ( Will be calculated by FrSky Taranis as the distance from first received lat/long = Home Position
// Auto Pilot modes
// ----------------
#define STABILIZE 0 // hold level position
#define ACRO 1 // rate control
#define ALT_HOLD 2 // AUTO control
#define AUTO 3 // AUTO control
#define GUIDED 4 // AUTO control
#define LOITER 5 // Hold a single location
#define RTL 6 // AUTO control
#define CIRCLE 7 // AUTO control
#define POSITION 8 // AUTO control
#define LAND 9 // AUTO control
#define OF_LOITER 10 // Hold a single location using optical flow sensor
#define DRIFT 11 // DRIFT mode (Note: 12 is no longer used)
#define SPORT 13 // earth frame rate control
#define NUM_MODES 14
Attached is my Taranis configuration.