Remote ID Issue with Mission Planner and Herelink

Hello guys,

I am running into trouble with trying to use Mission Planner (over the hotspot link) and the Herelink together with a drone with remote ID built-in. I can get the drone to arm with the Herelink only, since I can set the remote ID parameters properly and the Herelink has the GPS location built-in. But when I connect Mission Planner, it must be sending messages to the drone with unknown GCS location. Is this correct? So does this mean that I additionally need a GPS location for the laptop running Mission Planner in order to simply use Mission Planner along with the Herelink? The workflow is now very annoying if I can’t figure out how to use Mission Planner without a GPS link for the laptop as well. I know that I can arm the drone and then connect to the Herelink via Mission Planner, but it’s not the nicest solution.

Any advice or suggestions? Is this the way it is supposed to work?


Hi, I have an update here. I try changing the GCS ID on Mission Planner but it still give me error when trying to arm the drone with remote ID. Is this expected? I want to use Mission Planner for RTK connection to Herelink but I can’t arm the drone with Mission Planner connected through the hotspot. Any suggestions?

Did you manage to get to the bottom of this? Having a similar issue currently…

No, not yet. It is still causing problems and still hoping someone can help with a solution. What kind of system are you using?

So I think we have a solution. Turning off the remote ID plugin in Misison Planner and restarting seems to fix it. You can turn off a plug in by pressing CTRL+P and unticking the plugin.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for this update, I will definitely try it today and see if it works for me.