Remote ID GCS GPS Issues

Hi all,

I’m currently trying to set up Remote ID compliance with our flight controller in preparation for a test campaign. I understand that Remote ID, Open Drone ID, associated hardware, etc. is all quite new and changing so I expected to have some issues but I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice for the issue described below.

We have the Here4 Blue GNSS module Manual, Product page.

This is able to perform remote ID function via OpenDroneID (ODID), which is perfect as it reduces the number of individual devices on our vehicle and doubles up as onboard GNSS receiver and direct Remote ID transmitter.

We are using the Cube Orange Plus, which doesn’t currently have an official ODID build as far as I’m able to tell, but I have followed the instructions here to build an experimental firmware for the CubeOrange+ and this seems to have worked well. It’s built upon Arducopter v4.6.0-dev (though I plan on downgrading back to v4.4 as this is the firmware that we have been successfully testing on up to this point)

I’m running Mission Planner 1.3.81 on a windows 11 machine as my GCS, and I have entered the Operator ID, vehicle type, etc. into the ‘Drone ID’ tab on the data screen and this is all saved.

The issue I’m having is that I’m not able to get the GCS GPS function working. We have a Here+ RTK base station for RTK functionality and I was hoping that we could simply use the base location as the ‘operator’ location for Remote ID, but when connecting through USB on COM27, I always get ‘waiting for fix’ and no valid operator location messages. This is preventing remote ID from working.

See image below. Base location is fixed and getting valid GPS onboard. Selecting Base COM port just produces ‘waiting for fix’ message.

Will the RTK base work for this, or will I need a dedicated receiver? I’m wondering if the base produces different message types to a ‘standard’ GNSS receiver due to it being used in a different way, and so it’s not providing live NMEA data which I guess the ODID needs.

I’ve read about using a phone and bluetooth to pass through but I’d rather have a dedicated receiver via USB for longevity. If the base will not work for this, does anyone have any recommendations for good quality USB GNSS receivers?


Hi @rhfc
Just curious, did you ever find a resolution to this? Im having the same issues you describe above.

Hi @Tim_Archer
Yes we got it working using USB GPS receivers (see links below for ones that we’ve had work successfully).