Relationship between dynamic notch filters and INS_ACCEL_FILTER and INS_GYRO_FILTER

I’ve been wondering about this for some time.

The first two parameters that the tuning guide has us configure are INS_ACCEL_FILTER and INS_GYRO_FILTER.

And several other parameters depend on the value set by INS_GYRO_FILTER.

When using dynamic notch filters - FFT or RPM - what happens to these values? In particular, the other parameters that depend on the value of INS_GYRO_FILTER.

From a practical standpoint, I have RPM notch filters using bi-directional dshot. I’m thinking of increasing my prop size a small amount. (15" to 16") Will the dynamic notch filter take care of everything - or should I change (slightly) the INS_GYRO_FILTER and related parameters for the change in prop size?

Many thanks!

These are low pass filters with cutoff frequency at those values. They remain regardless off how the notch filters are set. Ever wonder why with no notch filters enabled the post filter peaks are attenuated? That’s why.