Regarding the issue of fixed-wing patrol speed

hello, I tested my linux flight control today and flew an automatic route on the fixed-wing platform, as shown in the figure:

the log shows that the cruise air speed is about 18 meters per second. But the speed of the cruise air I set is 12 meters per second. Why is this?
In fact, in the mission, my throttle channel is roughly in the middle, as shown:

This is my log file:
Extraction code:yif8
Thank you!

when I try to download I get this:
I don’t know what to do to get the file …
anyway, if I had to guess I’d say that you may have had ARSPD_USE=0

Ok, the airspeed meter is not enabled by default. I forgot to set up the airspeed meter. What is the reason for setting the airspeed meter not to be enabled by default?
I will fly again, thank you.

the default is to log an display airspeed but not use it. This is because the first flight with an airspeed sensor it is uncalibrated and may be badly incorrect. After you calibrate it then you can enable its use

I encountered a problem today, as shown below:

1 point is home, I use Guided mode to try to fly a little farther, this process RC remote control is failsafe, but the aircraft does not have RTL but continues to fly to my designated waypoint, this Why?
There is also the fact that I can’t set the RTL mode through the ground station after hovering at 2 waypoints. Even I can’t use the ground station to switch to any other mode. I am a little scared. Fortunately, the ground station is not out of control. I continue to use Guided mode to point to the home. Nearby, I regained control of the aircraft. There is no RTL after the RC is out of control, and I can’t switch modes. Why?The log file is too large for me to upload. .
Try to compress the log file to several files and upload it tomorrow.Thank you:grinning: