Is there a way to use double/redundant BECs to power servos on an UAV-plane?
I have reda that if linear (weak) BECs are used they could be parallell-coupled and if they are switched (which I only use), nope. Or the other way around.
I have one UBEC (HobbyWing 10A) in the planes. But if that one dies, the plane is gonna crash (havent used the parachute yet). I am always trying to find redundant and safe systems.
Will try to get some of those or similar from the local electronics store to test.
When powering up, I have to see the LEDs on both UBECs, and the voltage-level-LEDs after or I wouldnt know if one of them fails. Too bad many things have red LEDs showing they are on or in good condition. Whats wrong with green…
You could always buy a couple green LED’s and toss them in the circuit.
you just need to know the voltage and the current of the LED…which is pretty standard.
Use this calculator to figure out the resistor you need and bingo…Green LED telling you if the power is on or not.