Redcat racing gen8 & MFE Pixpilot V6 plus more!

I was lucky enough to be given a new H7 based flight controller with all the peripheral’s that come with it! A big thanks to @makeflyeasy for doing this massive sponsorship of flight controllers. I chose to build a rover because there are a lot of features in rover that also are in copter. So having the ability to test some code features on the ground to minimize risk is a big benefit to me! I also just had a major left shoulder rebuild and having a rover would be great the next 6 months of rehab and having one arm. I decided to go with a redcat racing gen8 scout. It has plenty of power on a 3s lipo and does pretty well on grass, dirt, and gravel. I also just noticed that @rmackay9 recently started work on a rover quick tune script. My other rovers are F427 based so will not work with scripting. I also got a set of the blicube dual core gps to test the gps yaw function. I will document the build here but it may be a bit slow given my one hand right now but I really want to get this done ASAP so I can test the autotune function. If anyone has built a scout rover and has any tidbits let me know. Wouldn’t mind keeping the pretty canopy but given the amount of stuff I’d like to strap on I doubt that will happen



Excellent news and nice looking Scout! Really great to hear that @makeflyeasy came through with an H7 autopilot!

It was part of this campaign Free Flight Control - Sponsorship of Flying Dreams (Phase 1). Looks like they gave away a good number of older F4 and newer H7 flight controllers to a lot of ardu users!

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I am very happy to see that you received the flight controls and look forward to your build process.


I have received the blicube unicore gps for yaw based heading. I think for simplicity I am just going to mount a flat board between the shock pillars, then once I get use of my other arm I will try and make it all pretty and mount up inside the scout cab. Looking at the blicube setup instructions this one needs to be setup inline with each other having the master antenna in the front and the slave inline with the master at least 30 cm apart. the gps antennas come with magnetic mounts which will be very nice for mounting them on embedded steel plates. The pixpilot is a great full featured flight controller, I especially like the aluminum case that surrounds it and the PMU makes it a bit more durable feeling. I have gotten the 4.5.0 dev code @rmackay9 has built for it maybe as the pain level allows I will try and get some stuff installed. I am 4 days out of a major left shoulder rebuild and its been pretty miserable going stir crazy already!