Recover monitored data in a .txt file

Hi everyone,

I’m currently using Mission Planner with ArduPilot v4.5.0 and a quadcopter with the Pixhawk 6X flight controller.
After some tests I want to see the data the software saved. I know that they are in .tlog files and they are plotable in Telemetry logs.
However, I would like to know if it is possible to recover certain monitored data that evolve in time (like the pitch, yaw and roll or battery voltage) in a time-stamped .txt file or not, for post-flight analysis ?

[I’ve been searched in the documentation but I didn’t find cases that answer my problem]

Glad to see your answers,


You would use a .bin flight log file from the Flight Controller for that data, a Tlog is of limited value.
Log Files

I saw .bin files in my directory and on the µSD card of the flight controller but I cannot read them :face_with_diagonal_mouth: It said that the file cannot be read as a archive…

Click the link follow the docs.

I can plot the data I need in Mission Planner according to the documentation - Log Files ; but I cannot convert those data into a text file with a list of time-stamped value.

Mission Planner DataFlash log tab. Look for the button that says “convert .Bin to .Log”.

The link @dkemxr has all the answers you’re looking for.

Hello, I finally could convert the .tlog file to a .txt one thanks to the documentation @dkemxr send yesterday. After some manipulation with Microsoft Excel I could get my time-stamped file (from .txt file to .csv file).

Thank you guys.