Recieve MAV_CMD on companion computer

Hi all,

We would like to use the “Point Camera Here” function is Mission planner to the camera. The gimbal camera system needs to be controlled with the computer due to its unique communication protocol that is incompatible with Pixhawk. Here is how every components are connected in our setup:

MP <-> Pixhawk <-> Companion computer <-> gimbal camera

I looked into how “Point Camera Here” works. MP will issue an MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI to Pixhawk. My problem is that I’m not able to forward the command to the companion computer. I could get the DIGICAM_CONTROL (“Trigger camera NOW” in MP) command to the computer though.

Is it possible to get make this setup work? Thanks.

You might need to modify the Ardupilot source to specify the component ID correctly for your companion computer.