I am trying to conenct Real flight 8 with mission planner but no luck. they are both on the same pc. the problem is i cant find the option to enable the flight axis as the documentation suggests here. https://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/sitl-with-realflight.html
under settings>physics there is no such option for flight axis as stated. Please help. thanks
In case they move the post again this is what you will need to do:
DVD and Tower Hobbies Digital versions:
Start the RealFlight 8 Launcher
Click Technical Support
Click Update to Specific Version, choose 8.00.055 from the list, and click OK
Steam version:
Right-click on RealFlight 8 in your Steam Library, then select Properties
In the Properties window, select the Betas tab, and click the dropdown list
Select “flightaxislinkbeta”
Close the Properties dialog
Wait for RealFlight 8 to update. If it doesn’t do so immediately, you can force an update by completely restarting Steam. To do so, right click the Steam icon in your system tray and select Exit. Once everything closes, run Steam again, and the update should complete.
I’ve managed to load the “flightaxislinkbeta” according to the instructions but I can’t find the settings in “Physics”. This post suggest that that it should work anyway.
A new beta version is available in both the DVD/Tower version and the Steam version of RealFlight 8.
This beta does two things for FlightAxis Link users:
Increases the number of control channels available over the Link from 8 to 12
Removes the requirement to unlock in order to use the Link
In this beta, the FlightAxis Link is always active and listening for a connection. We will add an option to turn it off in a future public version, so that you can use RealFlight with and without it. There is only a modest performance hit when not connected, but not all users need the network interface.
For now, you can simply join the beta and connect!
For instructions to join the beta, refer to the announcement thread here.
Edit again:
I’ve got it working, it is very easy to get to a state where it stops working, but this is what I do to get it working. The key error I did was starting RealFlight with Mission Planner already running.:
Switch to the “flightaxislinkbeta” in Steam.
Make sure Misson Planner is closed.
Start RealFlight 8 (no settings need to be changed).
Import the plane you want to use in RealFlight (check available models here)
Select the plane you want to use in RF.
Start Mission Planner.
Switch to the Simulation “tab”.
Make sure to select “flightaxis” in the combo-box (easy to forget the 3rd time you restart due to other problems).
Click the Plane or Copter
There should now be a green text in RealFlight that tells you that Flightaxis is connected.
Load the parameter file in MissionPlanner.
Write the parameters.
In the simulation tab make sure “wipe” isn’t checked.
Click the Plane/Copter to restart the FC with the new parameters.
Because of a terrible reason, I could not but to install realflight 8 in Ubuntu Wine.
Fortunately, I got succeed to setup and run realflight 8.
But even with downgrading to 8.00.055, I can’t find the menu ‘flightaxis link enableed’ in physics in settings.
Please, help me. Thanks.
I’m not sure how you installed RealFlight, but in the Steam version there is no option to enable flightaxis, it works anyway as long as you run the correct version.