Hello, Is there any way to obtain real-time data instead of downloading the logs (which I was able to once I disconnected my controller)?
My accelerometer in the Z-direction reads from 990-1100. What are the units in? Are they in cm/s^2 (because I fell this is the gravity acting considering that I didn’t move in that direction)? Where can i find the units for my data?
[quote=“juniorcappy”]Hello, Is there any way to obtain real-time data instead of downloading the logs (which I was able to once I disconnected my controller)?
My accelerometer in the Z-direction reads from 990-1100. What are the units in? Are they in cm/s^2 (because I fell this is the gravity acting considering that I didn’t move in that direction)? Where can i find the units for my data?
In a telemetry log, acceleration is in micro-Gs.
In a dataflash log, acceleration is in m/s^2