Sure you can. If your transmitter supports a Joystick mode then you can use it. I use my Radiomaster Transmitter in this way with Mission Planners Simulator. Or you can just use a game Controller. There is also a way to use any Transmitter for control using a Flight Controller running Betaflight. The FC emulates a Joystick.
Yes, exactly. When I saw that video I bought the cheapest FC I could find which is a $11 no brand mini and it works beautifully. I still use it in the family room on the big screen TV as the PC in the entertainment center is too far away for a USB cable
Yes it (Taranis QX7) supports joystick, but mission planner simulator could not detect it, do we need some extra steps to use it in mission planner simulator?
No. Windows 1st has to recognize the Radio as a game controller then from the Actions Menu in MP select the Joystick button and it should show up in the pull down menu. It will probbaly show the same device name as I have, Enable and configure.
If it doesn’t show up figure out why Windows is not recognizing it.
@dkemxr Hi Dave, one more question.
Can we use our vehicle parameters, i tried to load parameters from file into simulated vehicle, but it could write them.
If we write our vehicle parameters, then we will have real feel of simulation and will help for setting accurate parameters.
Or is there any free simulator?