Reading ADC15 value?

hi all,

i need to read the ADC15 value (which corresponds to the v on ADC input pin on the Cube 2.1). This is my first attempt to lua scripting so pls be patient :). Any suggestion?
also, i would need a command to trigger camera.

Hi Steve,

Do you need that voltage in Lua or do you just want to show it on the screen and log it?

In the last case, you wouldn’t even need Lua Scripting. You could treat the voltage like it was coming from an analog sonar sensor. Maybe this thread is helpful:

actually, i would like to get it in LUA because i want it to “bind” to the camera trigger (actually i want to implement a physical camera trigger button, reading through ADC15–>when 0, do trigger)

You cant read ADC in lua currently, but it sounds like you want a button in any-case we can do those,