RDQ quad esc DSHOT bi-directional not working

I haven’t yet, I was informed that it needed to be the pwm pad, I don’t currently have a serial port available bc I have lidar and 2nd gps with herelink.

It doesn’t need to be but telemetry via Bdshot properly configured is superior to serial telemetry for the notch filter reference.

Are you saying that the tele pad can be used for bdshot?

I have walked thru the setup probably 5 times and can’t seem to get BD to show up. I can get the motors to run just no tele at all.

No. Bdshot is on the RC signal. That’s why it’s called bi-directional.
I can’t look at a parameter file now, not around a computer.

But from the hwdef

I have the motors on 10-13 servo output.

What Blheli32 version is flashed to the ESC?

@dkemxr is correct that BDShot is better. I’m just trying some ideas mostly for clarity and trouble shooting.

How do you know you’re not getting RPM data back?

firmware version 32.9

Screenshot 2024-06-15 190338
It isn’t showing on this screen

Dave I am not sure what you are saying by this?

So I built another quad with the same type of esc’s and went through every video, post and instructional on this website and I can’t seem to get any data back on the Bdshot. Here is the para file.

Hopefully someone can help me figure this out.

ph1dshot.param (17.3 KB)

I do have one if the very first cube carrier boards, could that be keeping it from bdshot?

SERVO_BLH_BDMASK doesn’t exist and is not set, ergo you are using the wrong firmware

Thanks for that, I flashed the correct firmware and I still don’t have tele.
Here is the config file.
ph1bdshot1.param (15.6 KB)

This is the same issue I am having with the cube orange+, I do have the correct firmware on that controller. I’m sure it is something that I’m not doing correct.

Your channels are 10-13 according to your config, so BDMASK would therefore need to be 7680

I swapped the BDMASK to 7680 and still no tele.

Does the banner message on the messages screen say those output are Dshot? Arm it and post a link to a .bin log file.

2024-06-25 07-11-00.bin (604 KB)

Are you looking at the logs? There is ESC telemetry present for 3 ESC’s and that’s because channel 13 is PWM as the banner message says. Set all Aux chanells (9-14) to bdshot with the mask and reboot. Then look at the Banner message and confirm they are at Dshot, then look at a saved log and see if you have ESC telemetry for all 4.

Ok yes I see tele on 3 ESC’s. is there something special to get volt and current readings?
aux 9 wont send that info correct? That is why I have 10-13 setup for dshot.