Hi there,
I have a problem with my Landing gear setup. Will be appreciate for the help.
Here 's description of the problem: I have a Pixhawk 2 from the first batch and because of it’s issue with ch1 I remapped it to AUX6 (RC14 function 33).
Also I have Landing gears connected to AUX1 (RC9) but it works ONLY in case RC14 settings is “0”. Same story happens with all other AUX channels - Landing gear stop working after setting “33” to any of AUX. So I can’t use function 33 and Landing gear simultaneously and need to connect my Lgear directly to receiver which is very sad…
Could you tell me - is this problem associated with Pixhawk 2 issue or there’s something wrong in other things ?
I attached 2 logs with function 33 enabled and disabled.
OMG ! Last two days I spent in re-flashing firmware and at last got tuned up everything. One more flashing/calibration and so on… Ok, I will do it tomorrow (I hope), just wanna test my bird in flight first.
I’m not sure about flying on beta - my setup is 1000mm co-octa, so it worth much money and efforts for me Will check beta on ground and then flash 3.4.6 back
Results from other guy that have the similar issue:
I have upgraded the fw ac3.5.0rc4 to rc6. Unfortunately nothing changed. Pass-through channels is not working to me, excepted ch12 (aux4). The other 3 channels 9 to 11) the signal line is always in zero (observed in a digital scope). However these 3 channels responde normally when commanded via “servo tab” on the flight data screen. My MP was updated to 1.3.48 as well… please any help will be very appreciated.