

I’m pretty new to the Ardupilot scene (2.6 with latest firmware and mission planner) and have used some time to familiarize with the configuration. At this moment I seem to be stuck on something as simple as reversing the elevator servo. I tried setting the RC2_REV parameter to -1 but to no effect. I have left my radio (DX8) to the standard setting and not having it reversed there as I assume that this is something the Ardupilot will have to govern (for the autopilot, RTL and stabilize-modes etc).

However, I have a hard time accepting that such a device should fail on such basic functionality so my simple question is: what am I doing wrong?

On the Google page for the project there is an open issue regarding the RC2_REV parameter.


Are you trying to reverse the RC2 channel in the manual or auto mode?
If you are trying to reverse RC2 in the manual mode, you need to do that at your RC transmitter.
If you are trying to reverse RC2 for auto mode and other operations, then checking the “reverse” box next to the elevator bar in the Radio Calibration page should do the trick. Changing the RC2_REV parameter to -1 in the Advanced Parameter List should have the same effect.
Here are the ArduPlane Wiki instructions for the servos: plane.ardupilot.com/wiki/ardupla … evon-mode/

Thanks for your fast reply :slight_smile:

Until now I have focused on the manual mode and as you state - has to be reversed in the radio. I assume then other modes such as stabilize and RTL will need to be confgured for reverse [if necessary] in the Radio Calibration page, right?

Yes, that is correct.