RC pass thru on APM 2.6


I’v tried to search more documentation for this - I can udnerstand that if I set a RC_X_FUNCTION = 1 then it should be passing thru - but how can I set where it will apear ? :slight_smile: I supose it will apear on OUTPUT ports ? Is it possible to output on some of Analog ports ( they can be set to output pwm to my knowledge ), I have a ppm RX.

Purpose of this - simple video switch - flight cam / camera cam

Noone knows ? I dont find any related to this in manual , maybe I’ll check the code…

you need to do pass through using mount setup.

You can do that in the Camera Gimbal config view in APM Planner 2.0 or Mission Planner.

see copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common … ith-servo/