RC mower radio transmitter/receiver recommendations?


What type/brand/model of RC radio (controller) would you recommend for skid steer mower? I have MATEK H743 wing v3 board. I think i need simple fwd/rev control and maybe some additional up/down (blade-grass length) and start/stop function. Thx

what range does it need ?
are you wanting telemetry ?
do you mow in the rain ?
is your mower too big to pick up - so reliant on control to move ?
how many functions do you need ? eg motor stop/start,
how minimal do you want to go ?
how expensive do you want to go ?

  1. It will be an autonomous mower. Need RC only for testing.
  2. Id like to see battery level of the mower
  3. Functions: fwd/rev start/stop up/down (grass length).
  4. Id like to have ability to stop the script (script for autonomous grass cutting) and take over manual control
    5, any other useful functions recommended?