RC Input issues, log review, and questions

Just getting a Plane setup after working with Copter for a little while (but flown fixed wing for years).

Here is the log

Trying to understand a few things and also about my first flight:

  1. Is it really just the RCx_ parameters to set throws/rates for Manual?
    1a) Is there any expo?
    1b) Do these affect any of the SERVOx_ outputs, i.e. if I have rates set for FBWA, but change Input rates, will that change outputs?

  2. Plane was a bit nose heavy but seemed extremely difficult to control in MANUAL. I’m guessing this is just due to rates (Zohd Drift, fairly squirrelly), but wondering if anything relevant in log?

  3. Calibrated perfectly flat before leaving, but didn’t set flat when booting, would this have caused issues? It was pitching down in FWBA

  4. Matek miniTE, only has 16MB onboard flash so logging fills up quickly
    4a) Best practice for maintaining logging with small space?
    4b) Any way to stop the constant messages about logging stopped due to space?

  5. Regarding Loiter mode, is the place where you flip into Loiter the center of the circle, or some specific edge of the circle?

