RC controller take over drone control from MP Joystick control

Hi All,

I am a beginner of Mission Planner and Mavlink. I understand when I use the MP joystick control function, the MP will send the RC_override command to block the RC controller. In order to make the RC controller back to function, I need to disable the joystick control function.

Is there a way to make the RC controller take over a drone control manually by throttle a switch without disabling the joystick function in MP?

Thank you!


Nope, this is why it called override :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply, Andras!

Is there a way to make the RC controller take over a drone control manually by throttle a switch without disabling the joystick function in MP?

You can assign the “RC Override Enable” RC channel option to a switch.

If the switch is not then asserted RC overrides won’t take effect.



Shame on me! I once answer something without checking the code and surely my answer is wrong. @peterbarker thanks for correcting me, @XiaoFu sorry for the misleading answer!

Thank you for the answer, Peter! I will try later. I am working on the 4G communication right now.

It does not matter. Thank you for the reply :slight_smile: