Rate noise, measuring and analysis

I’m unsure of how to know what’s noise and what’s not when I look at the RATE out graph. I know I need fast logging at the sensor rate to actually be able to see the noise to begin with, but how do I than spot it?

@Leonardthall has stated before that the noise should not have an amplitude of more than 10%/0.1. I guess this is when hovering since the output moves when a movement is commanded.

How do I know if it’s noise or not? And how do I know the frequency of it? I’m trying to minimize noise on a build but I feel like I need to better understand how to detect it to be able to do anything useful about it.


You need full rate logging enabled. You then need to zoom into the log so you can see the output that is a response to commanded movement and the higher frequency noise. I don’t like seeing noise ± 10% around the output from commanded attitude changes.