Raspberry communication architecture with APM?

part of my graduation project, describe the ardupilot communication arquiteura with RPI, as would be the physical communication between them?
I thought about leaving the high level decisions with raspberry.
Can help me?

What board are you using to run ardupilot?

We have several boards based on RPi in which you can run ardupilot. In this case, the communication would be mavlink over UDP. If you are using RPi as a companion computer and running ardupilot in pixhawk then it’s mavlink over uart.

my idea is to use the RPI as computer companion, APM we have in college is the previous model to pixhawk the ideria is applied in a helicopter mongoose

my idea is to use the RPI as computer companion, APM we have in college is the previous model to pixhawk the ideria is applied in a helicopter mongoose

how would mavlink communication on uart?

This is fairly well documented at: