Raspberry 4 and Pixhawk Communication Problem

Hi, I have an issue with Raspberryi Pi 4. I connected them on Serial 2 port by Tx and Rx channels. I did all the steps that should I do like raspi-config serial preferences.

When I connect with mavproxy, I can see they are connected but I can’t send any command to Pixhawk
For example when I send “param show ARMING_CHECK”, it says me nothing. However, when I chance any mode or param on Mission Planner, Raspberry console send me whatever have changed in Mission Planner.

Can you get response when you send watch global_position_int ?

Respond is like this.
By the way GPS not connected, but it is working on Mission Planner when it is connected. Also, I use Pixhawk Cube Orange.

Okay looks good.
Still param show ARMING_CHECK not giving any result?
If not maybe the parameters are not loaded.
Maybe you can check that you are getting any parameters using this code .