I can not run a Lidar SF20 with APM Quad v3.5.3 firmware.
Mission Planner displays “Bad Lidar Health”, and “sonarrange” remains at zero.
I installed it in I2C then in serial setting as explained in the wiki (with the right electrical beams), I even tried with an older firmware v3.4.6, but nothing works.
My configuration:
Dropix from Drotek (Pixhawk 1)
Lidar SF20
IR Lock
I tested the lidar alone with Lightware manufacturer software and it works.
Should I set up the lidar with the Lightware software before installing it in the drone?
Do you have any idea where the problem might come from?
My next goal is to use it with an IR Lock for the Precison Landing and use the Terrain following.
I have attached a log file with APM Copter Quad v3.5.3
Check that the parameters are set correctly, especially the
SERIAL4_BAUD = 19 (19200 baud)
RNGFND_TYPE = 8 (LightWareSerial)
RNGFND_MAX_CM = 2500 (for SF10A), 5000 (for SF10B), 10000 (for SF10C) or 12000 (for SF11C). This is the distance in centimeters that the rangefinder can reliably read. The value depends on the model of the lidar.
RNGFND_GNDCLEAR = 10 or more accurately the distance in centimetres from the range finder to the ground when the vehicle is landed. This value depends on how you have mounted the rangefinder.
I’m a bit confused: are you using serial or i2c?
I tried in I2C and serial connection and it does not work. Currently, I am in serial connection.
mboland Mike Boland
Check that the parameters are set correctly, especially the
SERIAL4_BAUD = 19 (19200 baud)
I saved the wiki settings for a lidar SF20 in serial connection:
SERIAL4_BAUD = 115 (115200 baud)
RNGFND_TYPE = 8 (LightWareSerial)
RNGFND_MAX_CM = 9500. This is the distance in centimeters that the rangefinder can reliably read.
RNGFND_GNDCLEAR = 10 or more accurately the distance in centimetres from the range finder to the ground when the vehicle is landed. This value depends on how you have mounted the rangefinder.
In relation to your message, in the lidar SF20 wiki it is written that: SERIAL4_BAUD: 115 (115200 baud).
Do you think this can solve the problem by recording SERIAL4_BAUD: 19 ?