Rangefinder type 10 (mavlink)


I was not able to find any documentation about this rangefinder type. How is it supposed to work?
Does it use values send from an external source via mavlink? What would I need to implement it?




Have you looked here.


Yes I did, but I can find nothing about rangefinder type 10 there.

Thanks for your reply,



Ok, then we will have to have an ArduRover Developer answer you question.

It could be that rangefinder type 10 has not been implemented in the ArduRover firmware.


Its a MAVLink type rangefinder. If your rangefinder sends data over a mavlink package instead of a voltage output level. If for instance you have a range finder connected to a companion computer and you want to get its data into ardupilot you can send it via a mavlink packet.
Sorry for the delay in responding.
Thanks, Grant.

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hello greetings @gmorph
i was trying with arduino to get the distance sensor data via mavlink. its successful , but it only work for proximity GUI, i want to get the data into rangefinders? is it possible.
these are the arduino mavlink parameters im using.

if anyone can give me some pointers, it would awesome,
thank you
kind regards