Hello fellow ardupilots,one more question and then hope im up to speed again,has sonar range and voltage been replaced by rangefinder in the status read outs also when I change switch on radio to implement rangefinder nothing appears on the gui,many thank’s
Can you please rephrase the question? I do not get what the radio switches have to do with the range finder. What are you trying to achieve? How are you trying to achieve it? What are the error messages, if any? Which mission Planner version? which Arducopter version?
Hi Amilcarlucas,I have the very latest beta mission planner and am on Arducopter V4.0.1 rc3 I have a lightware SF11 on my quad it is set up correct on the status screen im not getting a sonar volt or range reading but getting A rangefinder 1 reading,regarding the switch I set ch 10 up to select rangefinder maybe this is wrong,and thank you for your help
You mean you have the range finder physically connected to your RC10 input?
That is fine if it is described so in the wiki.
no im using the RC 10 option to switch rangefinder on and off