Rangefinder in GUIDED mode

Hi guys
I need precise control of near surface altitude in GUIDED mode and not performing a landing, GPS and barometer can’t hold its alt so I turned for rangefinder. After I correctly configured the rangefinder, it holds its alt perfectly when using GUIDED mode with no control inputs. I tried this by placing a box under my copter when its flying. However, when I try using simple_goto() function, it can’t hold its alt and I assume its using barometer data because when there’s no wind, it holds its alt, but when there’s strong wind, it just changes altitude.
I’m using a PixHawk 2.4.8 with arducopter 4.3.7 stable, I don’t want to use RTK.
Is there any way to configure rangefinder as primary altitude source in GUIDED mode? My copter operates at around 5m above ground so rangefinder is reliable.

Hi. I have this problem too. Could you solve it. Can you help if solved. Thanks.

I tried plugging every opening on the autopilot with sponge a think it helps smh and the attitude of plane(like banking to one side) may significantly change the reading of the lidar. I barely remember what I did last year so if those didn’t work sorry :frowning:

GUIDED mode with my PixHawk 2.4.8 and ArduCopter 4.3.7, configuring the rangefinder as the primary altitude source is crucial. Mkae sure it’s correctly calibrated and adjust flight parameters to prioritize rangefinder data over the barometer, especially when using functions like simple_goto for consistent altitude holding, even in varying wind conditions.