Radios on solid green but no connection to mission planner

I have connected my radios and read forums and connected them together and I get this:

  1. light is solid green

But I still couldn’t connect so I went to the serial config and changed based what I read on the forums

and I put com on the com7 where the ground radio is connected and tried connecting but still it didn’t work



thank you

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I’m also having this issue. Have you solved this problem yet? I’ve been trying to fix this problem since 1 week now. First, I thought the old radios I had were the problem, then I got a new set of radio and it still doesn’t connect. I believe there is a specific setting required to establish connection to mission planner. I’ve read the online documentations, yet no progress. Please let me know if you’ve gotten any help. My active email is

What kind of flight controller are you using? What port are you connected to? Do you have the TX<>RX and RX<>TX wires correct?

@ian_abu, The radios are connected. Good. The fact you get the radio screen with data on both sides is a good sign. So the issue is between the radio and the FC. The values you show on the screen are good, but you need to specify what kind of FC you’re using, and what port your connected to. And check the data wires. The TX/RX wires cross when they are wired correctly.

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Hello! I am using the CubePilot Flight Controller. Also, my radios show solid green light which means they are connected to each other and on the Sik Radio settings page, when I load the settings, the same settings show on both the local and remote, which further confirms that the two radios are communicating with each other. The problem is that when trying to connect the mission planner to the CubePilot, it doesn’t connect. As for the TX/RX connections, do you mean how the air module is connected to the CubePilot? Well, this same system was used previously by other students and I also used it last year and the connections are still the same. The only difference now is that I am using a different laptop with a new mission planner installed by me, so I am trying to set it up to work with the system.

Also, I am connected to COM 10 because that’s the port that comes up whenever I plug in the ground module of the radio to my laptop. COM 9 is for the USB connection. I also set the Baud rate to 57600 for telemetry connection.

If you’re getting the setting page then you have the correct COM port on the laptop.

What port are you connected to on the Cube? Telem 1 is Serial 1, Telem 2 is Serial 2. (It seems obvious in this case, but it isn’t always so). Either port will work the same.

Check the wire harness. Make sure that the TX pin on the air radio is going to the RX pin on the Telem port. And the RX pin on the air radio is going to the TX pin on the telem port. And if the cable came out of a box of parts don’t assume it’s correct. Get a multi-meter and check it.

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I am connected to Telem 1 on the Cube. Does this have anything to do when connecting with the telemetry? Do I have to set up anything with that information (Serial 1) on the Mission Planner before connecting? Note, without any connection to the Cube established, I cannot access the Configuration page (Full Parameter Tree) in Mission Planner. For the TX and RX connection, I have just double-checked it and everything looks okay.

Do you think there might be a compatibility issue between the version of Mission Planner and the CubePilot or between the Radio Telemetry and CubePilot or does it have anything to do with my Laptop itself or do I actually have to set up anything on the mission planner before establishing any connection to the autopilot? It’s all confusing because I used this same Radio on the same autopilot with same wiring connections last year and it worked. The only difference now is that I am using a different laptop with a new installation of Mission Planner. I wasn’t the one who installed the Mission Planner on the other laptop last year, and so, I didn’t set up anything myself last year. I just used it as is.

No, I don’t think that’s likely.

Please stop double posting.

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You can get to the radio setup screen in mission planner and see both radios. So no, mission planner is not the problem. I’ve already told you, the problem is going to be between the air radio and the flight controller.

Yes, you need to set up the serial 1 port. Baud 57. Protocol 1. Or 2, try them both. After you make a change to a serial port setting you will need to totally power down the cube (disconnect USB and battery) and power up again . Changes to serial ports only take effect after a power cycle.

And yes, as @Yuri_Rage said: Don’t double post. It’s irritating.

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Noted, @Yuri_Rage! I will not do this again.

Noted, @Allister! But please, how do I set up the serial 1 port and protocol as you have mentioned? Is it in the Full Parameter Tree? If there is no connection yet, I cannot access this setup page which is the Config page. How do I go about it?

Connect to the cube by USB.

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Okay. Thank you. I will do this. When I set those, do I have to save the file to my computer and then import it after disconnecting the USB and connecting the Telemetry Radio or it is not necessary to do so?

You must “write” the changes to the flight controller. All the parameters for the controller are stored on the controller, not in Mission Planner or elsewhere on your computer (unless you decide to save a copy). As I already said, changes to things like the serial port won’t take effect until after you’ve fully power cycled the controller.

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Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate your time and effort. I finally got the radio telemetry working!

I did just as you said!