Radiolink SE100 GPS now contains M10N chip

While experience may vary among others, personally i have good results with the Radiolink SE100 GPS & compass modules. Last night I was setting up a Matek H743 lite with a newly acquired SE100 GPS puck. To my surprise it started solid red and then blinking blue. Thinking it was DOA I went on the google and found no information whatsoever regarding this alien behavior.

I emailed Radiolink and they replied within a couple of hours:

Dear Sir,

This is Amy from RadioLink. Thank you for your support.

Don’t worry. Among the new SE100s, some SE100s flash red and blue lights. So there is no problem with the LED lights of this SE100. Sorry we didn’t announce it, we will update the related information on our official website as soon as possible.

*The new SE100 has new M10N chip. And it’s normal to wait longer when the GPS is firstly used. Please be patient and wait a bit. Or pilots can fly the aircraft to the height of more than 10m at Alt-hold Mode then search signals. Then land it when the signal searching is done with success and take off again. *

If any question please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards

No idea how you can identify between the old and new version from the outside.