Radio telemetry rssi becoming zero

I bought new sik 433mhz 100mW radios and did a small loiter test. I observed that the remote rssi value was droping to zero. This never occured on 915mhz radio. Can you please tell what might be the reason?I also observed that the noise levels in 915 mhz 500mW was lower than 433mhz 100mW radios. Both of them are from holybro. I was expecting it to be opposite.
This graph is for 433mhz radio

Log file-Logs

Interference maybe? Have you tested it in a different location?

Depending on where you are in the world, 433 might be used for other items around you. You may be seeing interference that wasn’t on the 915 spectrum.

@Oli1 @Allister thank you for the replies.
I placed both the radios around 2-3 metres apart when inside my room and it worked properly with both rssi value around 150, noise at 50 and remote noise at 80.

If this is interference then if i change #of channels from 10 (default value) to 50, net id from 25 (default) to some other number on both radios, should that solve the problem?

Changing the number of channels probably won’t help, but as long as you change both radios it can’t hurt.

Changing the net ID will not change the performance of the radio. The net ID just “binds” the pair of radios together but it has no impact on performance.

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My thinking is if it is interference then if i change the net id to different number that can solve this issue keeping number of channels same on both radios i.e. 10 on these ones.
Is this correct?

Changing the netID does not change anything about how the data is transmitted or received. So it won’t change any issues with interference.

What country are you in?

I am in India currently.

I’m not going to claim any understanding of the spectrum rules in India, but where I am 433MHz is also shared with amateur radio operators. Maybe somebody close by is keying their radio at the same time you’re trying to fly.

Understood! So if we have to fly in places where these interferences might occur what can be done for a reliable link? Any suggestions?