Radio Calibration says my radio is not active or turned off

Hello, i’ve got my APM 2.8 board 4 days ago, downloaded the latest mission planner software on my windows 7, found my first problems with connection com port and downloading firmware (solved it, changing my computers, did it 3 times, 2 of 3 comps were working, so I guess it was my first computer’s usb problem, not the bootloader). Finally I’d updated my APM to 3.2.1 version and found the real problem, I can’t solve. That is - I can’t calibrate the 7-th ch. Green indicator stands in the middle (I’d tried different switchers on my transmitter - nothing). Servo is working on that channel, if I connect it to my futaba R2008SB directly. If I connect 7 ch from futaba on 6 on APM it is also works… Actually I can say that I don’t need it, but, WHAT A PITY! So, should I change my APM board or just resolder :wink: something??

Thanks, regards, Sergey

This is an APM Planner thread and not a Mission Planner thread. Therefore if you are using Mission Planner and not APM Planner, you have posted in the wrong sub forum.

This is an APM Planner thread and not a Mission Planner thread. Therefore if you are using Mission Planner and not APM Planner, you have posted in the wrong sub forum.
TCIII GM[/quote]

Oup’s_ my fault! Apologise!

Topic moved to APM Copter 3.2

Try the latest beta build as it fixes this issue