Quicktune yaw hıgh oscillation

AGRI_UAV.zip (424.0 KB)

You could check the param file called after-xfacta-param. That flight was good except slow yaw. There is some serious changes but I don’t see any takeoff or throttle related parameter differences to cause that. After going back to 0.2 expo the same thing in the video happened.

I updated .bin file with the videos flight but it looks useless.

The latest AGRI_UAV.zip that you posted is the same one I posted.
Did you uploaded all my changes (up to 18) to the vehicle? Or did you uploaded just some of them causing the parameter values to be inconsistent and invalid?

It gets hard to help you if I do not understand what you do and which parameters you change, and why you change them.

I thought about it and compared your params with on FC params and I found only difference is
LOG_BITMASK , used xfacta’s 180222
INS_FAST_SIMP , I think I missed that. Same as before config = 7
GPS_TYPE, Made this 1(auto).

amirlucas-couldnt-takeoff.param (20.9 KB)

This is the param file I downloaded after the tests. I don’t see any other differences if I’m not mistaken.