Question concerning users flying on hardware not 3dr


as i´m new to the forum and quite new to the apm community (6m) i have a basic question before starting to post here.
I bought a pixhawk clone and afterwards found out about all the tension around that issue.
I would really like to share my insights into the apm and do my share in helping new users with what i already now.
But as problem solving in the multirotor world nearly always concerns both software and hardware, am i allowed to participate in this forum as a clone user.
e.g. it makes no sense to post a issue or a solution without posting both software and the hardware it is running on.




the rules regarding clones are fairly simple:

If the question is a software support question, e.g. tuning, configuration, log analysis, etc., it doesn’t matter if the software is running on 3DR hardware or on a clone. The software support forums are for supporting the software and most of the support is done by the developers or volunteers.

If the question is a hardware support question, e.g. bad GPS reception, a radio not working or the lights on a Pixhawk not coming on, clones are not allowed in the hardware forums because the hardware forums are the official 3DR hardware support forums and mostly 3DR employees are handling the support. You can hardly expect 3DR have their employees spend time on clone products…
If clones users have hardware problems, we advise them to contact their vendor for support. If their vendor does not provide support, they can still ask e.g. at RC Groups.


Tervesiä suomeen.
