Hey Guys. Is it possible to wire 2 GPS modules to Pixracer pro? I could not see any SDC and SCL Ports except the normal GPS port. Any Info ?
I2C connections can be paralleled so one port is enough.
AFAIK, it has also multiple serial ports so it can be done.
Yes it indeed does multiple serial ports but I did not have that electronical info that I2C ports could be paralleled. Thanks for the info I’ll try to wire it later today I guess. BTW Have we met before ?
No problem as long they have different address’s.
How to change GPS’s adresses or is it about hardware
Each GPS should be connected to a different UART port. Then corresponding SERIALx_PROTOCOL must be set to 5 (GPS). Of course, there are more parameters than that, but this is just for getting started.
The thing is that my GPS (as you can see in this photo)
it connects with I2C Ports but my FC does not have more than one GPS I2C Port. So when I asked about it I was thinking that with 2 I2C Splitters wired serially I could do it ,now I’m totally confused.Like almost all GPS/Compass modules GPS is connected via UART and compass I2C. That one is no exception. Don’t you have a cable that connects both to the same connector on the PixRacer Pro?
@dkemxr what do you think? If I serially wire these splitters will it resolve?
What are you doing in this diagram?
No need for I2C splitter on this case.
GPS/I2C port in GPS module is enough for all the connections.
Autopilot SCL <> GPS Module SCL
Autopilot SDA <> GPS Module SDA
Autopilot RX <> GPS Module TX
Autopilot TX <> GPS Module RX
Autopilot 5V <> GPS Module 5V
Autopilot GND <> GPS Module GND
Don’t use the I2C
port. GPS/I2C
port is enough.
Doesn’t it come with a cable for plug to autopilot directly?
Use it if provided.
As you can see there there are 2 ports which use I2C Protocol and I cannot force wire 10 ports into a 6 port GPS/I2C port because my GPS also has built-in compass module. And no it does not come with a single 6 port cable
There will be 6 wires in total from autopilot to GPS module. You will only use the bottom port as seen in image.
I think @Mustafa_Gokce is right and both compass’s on that module will communicate over the same I2C port.
Arent the upper 4 ports for Compass module ?
Okay lets assume that I wired the 6 GPS ports into the FC’s GPS 6 Socket Port. Now I have the second GPS in my hand and I have a 6 socket port again. I plug it lets say SERIAL4/UART8 Pin but it does not have any I2C ports. So you say that I don’t need I2C when I configure the port right way and solder the 5V RX TX GND properly. @Mustafa_Gokce @dkemxr
First, with one GPS connected are the 2 compasses on that GPS recognized? Then, you are trying to connect 2 more external compass’s on the 2nd module?
Yes 2 compasses are recognized. I’m just trying to wire just the GPS function if possible
OK, then pick an available UART, connect Vcc, Tx,Rx and Gnd from the 2nd module and configure it.